M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula

Target: M27
Camera: Hutech Modified Canon 350D (Type 1)
Lens: 12" LX200 with f/6.3 focal reducer
Shooting Date/Time: 08/05/2006 11:00 PM - 01:00AM
Tv( Shutter Speed ): 11 x 120 sec
ISO Speed: 800
Autoguide: Orion ED80 with 2x Barlow using ToUcam Pro + Guide Dog
Processing: Calibrated, combined, stretched in IP.  Noise reduced with Noiseware.
Notes: A satellite flew through the target while I was imaging. I did not include this image with the stack. See the image below with the satellite in it.

Target: M27 - With Satellite Fly-by
Camera: Hutech Modified Canon 350D (Type 1)
Lens: 12" LX200 with f/6.3 focal reducer
Shooting Date/Time: 08/05/2006 11:30 PM
Tv( Shutter Speed ): 1 x 120 sec
ISO Speed: 800
Autoguide: Orion ED80 with 2x Barlow using ToUcam Pro + Guide Dog
Processing: Calibrated, combined, stretched in IP.  Noise reduced with Noiseware.
Notes: A satellite flew through the target while I was imaging. I did not include this image with the stack. See the image below with the satellite in it.

Target: M27
Camera: Hutech Modified Canon 350D (Type 1)
Lens: Orion ED80
Shooting Date/Time: 08/18/2006 11:30 PM - 01:00 AM
Tv( Shutter Speed ): 35 x 120 sec
ISO Speed: 800
Autoguide: Meade 12" LX200 Classic using ToUcam Pro + Guide Dog
Processing: Calibrated, combined, stretched in IP.  Noise reduced with Noiseware.

Target: M27 - Same image as above. Just a different cropping.
Camera: Hutech Modified Canon 350D (Type 1)
Lens: Orion ED80
Shooting Date/Time: 08/18/2006 11:30 PM - 01:00 AM
Tv( Shutter Speed ): 35 x 120 sec
ISO Speed: 800
Autoguide: Meade 12" LX200 Classic using ToUcam Pro + Guide Dog
Processing: Calibrated, combined, stretched in IP.  Noise reduced with Noiseware.